Party the Night Away in San Sebastian

If during your visit to San Sebastian you’ve been sunbathing on the beach since early morning (oh, what suffering!), happily museum hopping in the afternoon and later filling the tummy with one succulent pintxo after another, you will undoubtedly have earned a well-deserved reward: a night of San Sebastian-style fun.

The best thing about partying in San Sebastian is that the nightlife offers so many options. Literally, everyone can enjoy their particular partying-style at their own pace. And as in any coastal city, the nights in San Sebastian –which lies on the coast of the Bay of Biscay, just 12 miles from the French border– have that special something, or character, that comes from being close to the sea; here, you feel as if anything can happen and, in the worst case, you can always lie on the beach and gaze at the stars.

The night offers so many options! These can be divided into four distinct areas, according to the type of venues you find in them. Depending on what you’re in the mood for, it is advisable to start with one option and end the evening with another, or vice versa. There are so many possible combinations that it doesn’t help to stop to contemplate them; just let yourself be guided by the magic of a night in Donostia, as the city is known in the local Basque language.

The first point of reference is the so-called Parte Vieja, or Old Town, where cool bars and breweries populate the area. It’s the ideal place to “start your engine” early in the evening, alternating beers with pintxos, to put something in your stomach.

The second area to take into consideration is around Reyes Católicos Street and its surroundings (next to the Buen Pastor Cathedral). In this area the nightclubs are more fashionable and modern in design, with alternative music and a cool vibe.

Finally, some people prefer an area of bars without too much hustle and bustle. For them, San Sebastian has the neighborhood of Gros, where the bars lend themselves to a more sedate pace than in the two previous areas. It’s ideal for younger people who prefer a quieter evening.

Do you want to visit a fun place this summer? In San Sebastian you not only have a things to do during the day, but also many nightlife and party options, for whatever you want: to enjoy a quiet evening at your own pace, or to party to the beat of the liveliest nightclubs on Reyes Católicos street.

Photo | Hebe Aguilera