The summer in Buenos Aires starts on 21st December, and when the good weather comes, the attractive capital will shake off the lethargy and will be filled with festivals and events to rise to the occasion.
The lowdown for the following year in Buenos Aires
1_Rock BA. 4 days of national and international live alternative rock. Up to now, the place chosen to receive hordes of young people has been Ciudad del Rock (Rock City) in the Parque de la Ciudad (city park). But this event has been closed recently, and the location has to be revised due to the southern part of Buenos Aires hosting the epicentre of the Youth Olympic Games in October 2018.
The great success and good atmosphere at Rock BA isn’t surprising as the event attracts quality bands and the entry is free of charge. So, now you know what’s good for you: stay alert and be the first to find out the dates for Rock BA 2017.
2_Verano en la ciudad. Get ready because the 2017 edition of this outdoor programme of activities will soon come round, and all activities are free of charge and designed to satisfy and entertain all ages, which naturally includes young people. Every year, between January and March, this compendium of concerts, films and other similar things liven up the hours for tourists and residents.
3_FIBA (International Buenos Aires Festival). This is a date in the city’s agenda that brings a lot of good theatre and dancing from all corners of the globe. As this festival is held biannually, and the last edition took place in 2015, then 2017 is clearly a lucky number.
More things to do in Buenos Aires during the summer
Summer is good for cycling. Whether you’re a student in the ACBA or if you’re planning to visit it during a journey, remember that the Buenos Aires offers you “EcoBici”, which is a free public transport system that runs 24 hours, and 365 days of the year.
And since there is good weather, maybe you’ll feel like going to the park with your laptop for a while. Did you know that the Buenos Aires City Government offers you access to a network of free internet? It’s called “BA Wifi”, it works 24 hours a day, and it’s available at more than 300 points distributed around public buildings, parks, squares, as well as the underground and bus stations.
Photo | Kevin Dooley